Monday, April 26, 2010


I am really starting to realize that I am a HUGE believer in childhood vaccinations. I mentioned a few posts ago that a large part of it is Simon and the Rotavirus. While doing some personal research on vaccinations and autism I came across this article that I read back in January at my sisters house. It is from Wired magazine, and is a very interesting, informative article. I believe in getting your child vaccinated, I believe in the Rotavirus vaccine, I wish I had known about it a year and a half ago, and I do not believe that autism and vaccinations are related. If anyone can come up with some good scientific research to the contrary, I would love to read it. I am thinking that in the future this is a cause I would really like to get more involved with and would like to be able to spread the word about vaccinations and stop some of the damaging hype/hysteria about autism and vaccines caused by paranoid people who just haven't done research and are basing their opinions on what other paranoid people think instead of scientific research and data. That's my short rant for tonight. To be continued some other time...
If there are any readers who do believe the autism/vaccine link, I would really be curious to know what kind of evidence or information you base your belief on, seriously, this isn't just an attempt to bash, I am very curious to know why people believe what they do. If it's just because Jenny McCarthy said so, or because so-and-so thinks so because their kid got a shot and then started acting weird, or if there is more to it than that.


Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

Hey, you read that at my house. Glad to be such an influence on you. :) BTW, I believe in vaccinations!

dacjohns said...

I believe in them too. They help a lot more than they hurt. And I know a lot of people who have polio and wish they had been vaccinated when they were young. Now they have a life time handicap. Now that sucks. (Sorry Leslie and Carl, I know you don't like that word, but that is how it is.)

Joel and Arielle said...

I completely agree. I have fought this subject with some people a lot. One of the reasons for the hype connecting autism and vaccinations came from a British study done in the nineties that ties autism to the MMR vaccine due to the Thimiserol (synthetic mercury). The study has since been disproved (it only studied 8 clinical patients and the findings were not duplicated or found in further studies) however the damage was already done. Now there are a lot of books and articles attempting to leach on to that connection and spread this false link. I find it very annoying. I have seen too many kids come into the lab with mumps because mom was afraid of autism (mumps causes sterilty in boys). I really don't mind people having differing opinions from my own, it just annoys be that so much of it has been based on a study which has been discredited.

Nikki said...

TOTALLY agree Kari!! Everytime I hear someone say that vaccinations are linked to Austim I want to punch them. Lol.

Kari and Steve said...

It's nice knowing there are people that agree! It's something that has really been bothering me lately so a lot of my personal free time has been spent researching and I have actually been focusing on searching for negatvie stuff, and having a hard time finding anything that is science and not paranoia.
And mom- polio- definitely, Sis Kersey in NC will always be in mind, in a wheelchair almost her whole life because of polio- there is a reason we don't have these diseases anymore!!