Sunday, October 4, 2009


So just a quick little blog. We have been kinds busy lately and kind not. But I never did post about my birthday, vacation in Colorado, Steve's birthday, and countless other little things going on in our lives that seem mundane but really make up our life.
In new news though, Simon is now officially a toddler!! He took his first steps on Friday, his max was three. On Saturday we got him to take 5 in a row, and today his new record is 10 steps in a row all by himself!!
We have no video of it because our cord for our camera is gone, completely gone, we have searched our entire house for it and can not find it anywhere, so I guess until we find or buy a new one we will have no new pictures to post on here. Sorry, but I do have some older ones to post when I actually have some free time at home. But most of that I like to spend with my beautiful, adorable, fun little boy, and my husband too.
Love you all! Hope to post again soon, but definitely don't hold your breath for it.
...and to put in a little plug for where I work, we are having a "white sale" this week and selling a lot of our disontinued bedding, lamps, and accessory lines for super cheap, up to 75% off! kids comforter sets for $40 and even some king and queen ones for around $60, so if you are in Reno come in this week and buy some accessories, they are super cheap and can make good Christmas presents! oh yeah, Ashley Furniture Homestore. 750 E Moana Ln in Reno!!


Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

Why don't you just take the card out of the camera, and put the card in your computer? That's what I do. And your cord is probably in the same place as my K2 key. LOL.

dacjohns said...

Wish I could hunt for some bargains at Ashley's. Would love a new bedroom set. Hope you will be able to post the videos.