I had a doctors appointment today. And for the rest of the day was feeling pretty sad. Today was the day my dr wanted to schedule a c-section "just in case" the baby didn't come by it's due date. Turns out he won't even get until his due date, because it's scheduled for September 23rd. My due date is September 24th, a Saturday. I asked if we could schedule it for the following Wednesday because Steve will get three days off and I wanted to stack them with his normal days off so he would get to be home for 5 days if the c-section was to happen. My dr didn't want to do that because she doesn't like when women trying for a VBAC go past their due date. So she suggested the Wednesday before my due date, seriously, not even going to let me go to my due date before she tries to take him out!?
Needless to say, I am pretty pissed. This whole time she has been leading us on giving us all this false hope that we were going to be able to do a VBAC and now it looks like we can try to do a VBAC as long as the baby comes early. What happened to the days when I was pregnant with Simon and your due date was plus or minus two weeks, and a baby wasn't considered overdue until 2 weeks late? What will it hurt to go 4 days past my due date before we try to take the baby by c-section?
I never thought I would be someone who is praying for her baby to be born early, but I am, and if any of you reading want to pray for us, I would appreciate it. Having this baby naturally is so important to me, and to our family. I really hope this baby isn't stubborn and wants to come out early. In the meantime I am researching ways to induce labor naturally, and ripen the cervix, etc.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Posted by Kari and Steve at 4:19 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Child Photographer
Simon has had a huge interest in taking picture with our camera lately. I have been letting him because I think it is fun for him, and interesting for me to see what he finds through the lens that he feels is worthy of documenting. I mean come on, who doesn't want to know what a 2 yr old is fascinated with? One of his favorite things is his feet, and also the camera strap and lens because they tend to fall into view because of the way he holds the camera. Here are a few of my favorites he has taken the past couple of weeks.
Sad fact: When sorting through these I couldn't always tell which ones he took and which ones I took. Does that mean he is just really good or am I that bad with our camera?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
two boys
Tonight Steve and I got to babysit our little nephew Phineas. It was a lot of fun and I have to say that having kids two different ages is a lot easier than having two kids the same age. This makes me hopeful for my impending future. Phin turned 1 in March and Simon will be turning 3 in November. Simon did pretty good sharing with his cousin, and even tolerated being sat on and squished by him, even though Phin is almost as big as Simon (and over a year younger), Simon just laid there and let him and wasn't even mean and didn't push him off or anything.
Posted by Kari and Steve at 11:32 PM 2 comments
Labels: babysitting, Phin, pictures, walks
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Is it bad that I am always a little sad when no one comments on my posts even though I am really bad at commenting on other people's posts? My favorite post so far, the letter to the baby had 0 comments. Normally the only to people to comment regularly are my sis who has a broken wrist and my mom, so I really shouldn't be that bummed right, only 2 less than normal... but I am a little bummed, I feel like I have done better with blogging, at least for the past week, let's see if I keep it up. And if there are any lurkers out there, feel free to comment, although I don't half the time, so I totally understand if you don't want to, or don't have time by the time you are done reading. But you really should, because it will make me feel better!
Here- Enjoy some pictures I took on a walk downtown the other night. With it being hot during the day and me being pregnant, our outdoor excursions seem to happen at night when Steve can accompany us and carry Simon if he gets tired.
and this last picture wasn't taken the same time as the others, it was just one day when Simon decided to take a nap on the sofa after burying himself under a bunch of pillows.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Steve and I have been talking for a while about making a chore chart (really more of a division of labor chart) so we finally sat down last week and split up chores and officially who does what. It is nice to have it written down on paper what each of us is primarily responsible for. It's been difficult for me getting into a groove with keeping up with the house. Me becoming a mostly stay-at-home mom coincided with becoming pregnant, so it's hard to know what things are going to be like when I am not pregnant and also have a second kid. I hope I can keep everything balanced and be as good of a mom and homemaker as I want to be.
It is seriously amazing how quickly your house can go from dirty to clean and back again. Our house was a wreck yesterday and my amazing husband was off last night so he was awake and not only did his "chores" but even helped with some of mine, and our house looks fabulous right now! I just gotta keep it that way because we are having our friend Courtney over for dinner tonight, and it's much nicer being in a clean house.
And he let me sleep in until 11 today and got Simon breakfast and played and read with him for a while. (In my defense I was up until 2 watching a movie with Steve, so I really didn't sleep in that late.) Then, when I woke up we went to eat at the Gold 'n Silver Inn and had breakfast/lunch. I love my husband and feel so fortunate to have such a great man in my life. I am currently watching Teen Mom (can you believe I admitted that!) and it makes me grateful for a great husband, son, relationship, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ and belief in eternal families in my life. This post was just supposed to be about cleaning so here is a fun little picture. (I am trying to post more frequently and smaller and with pictures.) Simon was helping me vacuum earlier because he found a spot that needed to be vacuumed so he got it out and plugged it in and turned it on so I let him help me vacuum after I vacuumed everything up (the vacuum was actually on and in use in this picture).
Friday, August 5, 2011
Dear Baby
Dear Baby,
Please stay inside of me 'til close to my due date, but not past my due date. If you don't come by September 24th, the doctors are going to take you out, and I don't want that to happen. I would like you to come out all on your own in an amazing non-medicated, natural birth kind of way. September 16th would be a good day. That is your Grampy's birthday, and even though we don't know what we are going to name you yet, we think your middle name is going to be David after your Grampy. If you came on his birthday that would be awesome, and I think it would make everybody happy. My doctor told me today that she will start encouraging you to come out at 37 weeks. That is in just 4 weeks! (But you do have until Sept. 24 to choose to make your debut on your own.) I can hardly believe you will be here soon, but I am so excited to meet you and I know you have lots of family members that are excited to meet you too.
P.S.-Please have a slightly smaller head than your older brother, that will make things much easier for both of us during labor and delivery.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I realized today I am lame. I haven't updated in a really long time. When I do post there are too many words and not enough pictures. A lot of stuff has happened since May. May? Seriously, I haven't posted since May? (shakes head at my self) So sad.
This evening Steve and I went to Walmart. There was a nice summer storm, lightning, and wind, and lots of clouds, during sunset, and a rainbow. It was beautiful. I wish I'd had my camera with me and could have taken pictures. I love storms.
Since May Simon and I went home to Illinois for two weeks, then we came home for a week, and then we went to Utah for almost a week to see my friend Arielle. Steve didn't get go come with us on any of the trips because he couldn't get time off work. He gets 5 paid weeks off a year, but it's nearly impossible to get the time off because he is at the bottom of the ladder and has no seniority. Now we are home, and I don't want to go anywhere else for a long time. I just want to sit around the house and be a lazy bum. Lazy pregnant bum. Who decides to get pregnant in January anyways? Honestly last trimester during July, August, and September... not smart. Here, look at some pictures I like from the last couple months. It took me a long time to narrow these down. Enjoy!
P.S.- My favorite blog is by my Sis-in-law Mel. If you don't read her blog, you should. She writes incredibly well, has good pictures, and updates frequently, her blog is awesome and entertaining!
Simon and I went to So. IL for 2 weeks because my cousin got married. All of my sisters were there. I havent seen of them for 2 years so it was good to see my family. We did some sightseeing in St. Louis, went up in the arch and went to Grants farm where President Grant once lived.After being "home" for two weeks and hanging out and going to Garden of the Gods and Dixon Springs and my cousins wedding and spending time with family Simon and I went back home to Reno. We flew in on the 4th of July, Steve picked us up at the airport we ran home, dropped off stuff and picked up Zane and beach stuff and headed up to Lake Tahoe.
After the lake we headed home, got the boys all cleaned up- you would not believe how much sand was in their hair!- and then headed to a park in Sparks to watch fireworks with Steve's sisters, and Endri and Dorina. His parents weren't there because they were on their way to Hawaii!
Simon and I were back in Reno for about a week, just long enough to do laundry and repack our bags and then we took off to Salt Lake City to go see my friend Arielle for 5 days. We stopped in Elko on the way there and back to see our friends Zach and Kristin and their newest baby Oliver. We had lots of fun on this trip.
With Arielle we went to the zoo, aquarium, and aviary, ate Thai food twice, saw Harry Potter, experienced a real bomb threat at the movie theater, and had dinner with her family who feels like family to me. Also got introduced to my new favorite salad, Margarita Shrimp Salad from Allrecipes.com. If you happen to make it, do it the way Nikkie687 did in the comments, that's the way Arielle made it, and it was incredible! I even requested it for my bday dinner.